

The Ten Book Store concept - Rino Breebaart


  1. I like the idea, but its something you would have to invest in. I mean, while you've got the other social aspects, to a degree, what you are really buying is the opinion of the, its kind of like a rock star following. That doesn't happen overnight unless you start with a rock star:)

    Over time, if the curator is delivering great reads and a great physical experience to people, the business will operate (profitably?).

    But technically, I think this already happens in some bookstores, to different degrees.

    I think society (at least American society) shows a willingness to trade money for an experience. But you really need the "rock star" there to draw fans or be prepared to endure a lot of monetary losses until your track record stands on its own.

  2. This could actually work, with a bit of luck. It would be like one of those high-end restaurants where the menu is fixed every day, with no substitutions. You give yourself over to the judgment of the chef.

    You're right, in our age of information abundance what we need is discrimination, a way to value the valuable and forget the inferior.

  3. I think this is a fantastic idea. I think it would only work if you could get a company to donate a vacant space rent free for a while (which occasionally happens in Sydney) or secure source funding through a kickstart organisation like Pozible. I'm already musing over which books I'd include if I was curating (even though I'd be tempted just to fill the shop with Don Delillo's Underworld only).

  4. This is a pretty cool idea. What about starting small with a pushcart outside of popular "hip"-type places (open-air concerts in the park, for example.) Free downloads could be managed by handing out a limited-time-use coupon code for some online site, and the proprietor would have a small stock of books on hand to sell.

    I like the idea of crowdsourcing the next books, too.

  5. Also: no idea why my brain said "free downloads" there. Too many things swimming around in my head right now.

  6. Funny how book lovers are often looking for a way to keep them relevant. I like this idea. As for the "rockstar" argument, it's valid, and one might start by licensing or appropriating existing lists, from NYT & NPR to Mortimer Adler. I had a completely different idea, for a "bibliotheatre" where you could pay a very small admission and read in the place. If you want to take home the book your admission is deducted from the price, otherwise you could sit and read it until closing.

  7. thanks for all comments folks -

    a celebrity or even better: a major author endorsement and in-store event/reading, with a light backing of jazz brass and flutes - that could work! wink

    I love taking an idea or retail concept from the web and making it a tactile reality. It's a loss-maker all the way - I don't doubt it - and I'd look at it as a novel project requiring major cash. But - it could at least work on a temp basis - wherever an empty storefront becomes available (right Jonathan) - just opening up for a month or three, building a bit of vibe and sourcing fine coffee, and then disappearing again while maintaining a web presence too - maybe like a flashmob bookstore - spontaneous, in the moment, lively and then gone. Doing small things well with low overheads. As long as there's a clear For the People & For the Books vibe - and a sense of participation. Guerrilla bookmarketing. A portable bookshop concept - which eventually becomes a critical voice in terms of trust and expertise. Oh, what's on the TenBooks list this month...

    Dumpling and noodle bars do a handful of menu items. Prix-fixe restaurants are a mainstay in Paris, thanks Richard. And a small admission fee to in-store events. Hmmmmmmm

  8. I like it as well. And my first thought was similar to Richard's - it's like the trendy restaurant with extremely limited options, to which you go because you trust the chef. Building the trust (or finding someone with built-in, stored-up trust) would be the key.

    Good thinking.

  9. excellent and creative idea! i would certainly go and shop there. I would need to be set in a city big enough to draw enough customers.


Nice comments are welcome!