
Olympia SM3

Olympia SM3 typecast - Rino Breebaart


  1. Very nice typer there. I will probably come across one of these someday.

  2. I found mine lovely to type on (very snappy), but the heavy carriage killed it for me; shifting was such a pain! Ultimately I couldn't justify keeping it when I had so a couple of H3Ks that typed just as well and were basket-shifted to boot. So, yeah, see how you feel about it after a few weeks or months...

  3. this is the one i tool to NaNo write-ins, for the look and sound.
    Still my favorite styling. You'e right though, the H3K has the best feel.

  4. It's hard to beat the H3k for pure typing pleasure in that size format, but I too hope to have a roundtop SM in my corral someday, just for the looks. They are awfully pretty machines, and yours is quite an attractive color. (:

  5. I deal with the carriage shift by being a lousy typist. My little fingers never get called in for duty, it's always one of the stronger ones that does the heavy lifting work.

    I think you do get used to it after a while, and those individually-sprung keytops... oh, it's hard not to like that excessive cushioning.

  6. Anonymous12:43 am

    I've done most of my writing (three drafts of a novel, countless letters and poems) on one of these. My fingers got used the shift and I don't notice it anymore. Oddly, I've tried three Hermes 3000s and none of them compared to the SM-3. I suppose each set of hands have a preference.

  7. These seem to be all the rage in the typosphere these days. The brown keys mean I must eventually have one, but, agreed, carriage shifted machines are a bit of a pain...

  8. All it needs is a little white paint on the J key and it'll be set. I'll sit on it for a while and see how it feels after a couple of weeks.

    Thanks for the comments, folks. I'll let y'all know if it's going to move.

  9. The styling is superb. I love my Royal QDL that has this same round top look with the chrome bands and my SG1 looks just the same, only bigger.

    I did have a Traveller de Luxe that was carriage shifted and I agree, even as a touch typist, you get used to it. Granted, after playing guitar for a few years, my pinky has had develop some strength.

  10. Likewise, playing bass gives your pinkie some serious heft.

  11. teeritz9:59 pm

    Nice machine. I just scored a SM2 yesterday and I love how it types. Th lower-case 'd' doesn't hit the page properly, leaving the upper tail missing, making it look like an 'a', but that's the only bad thing I can say about it. Great looker, too. Very Cold War. Gotta run, my VW is double-parked outside Checkpoint Charlie.

  12. Anonymous11:29 am

    Hey, if you don't want it, I'll take it! Lol


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