
Veni, vidi, vici

 veni vidi vici - Rino Breebaart typecast


  1. feel free to delete this but your post reminded me that way back nearly 30 years ago, National Lampoon suggested "veni vidi veni" for a similar application. I was pretty young at the time and things were not as easy to look up as they are now.

    verification word: icaled

  2. Anonymous1:04 am

    Interesting observation. As someone who doesn't go to nor ever has gone to a strip club, my first impulse is to say that the misleading design of the place is another way for unrealistic sexual pursuits to distort what sex is actually about. However, I can also appreciate what you are saying in regard to using symbols and phrases and historical references out of context. That is just bad art, is it not?

  3. notagain - I was thinking of making a cheap pun too, but yours is better!

    Bad art (and even worse design) is everywhere - the trick is to avoid as much as possible.


Nice comments are welcome!